Tuesday, May 13, 2008

US Election 2008

The outcome so far of the primary indicates that the democrates will loose in the presidential election. Hillary Clinton appears to be committed to her desire to get nominated AT ANY COST and if she fails, she would prove to be the biggest asset for the republicans.

Awake Americans ! Your days of glory seems to be over with no POSITIVE change in the ruling regime in sight.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

US Election 2008

1. Who were the individuals who got pardoned by President Clinton ? Has anyone contributed significant amounts to "Election Fund" or other Trusts etc floated by either President Clinton then or Ms Hillary Clinton now ? Has anyone paid hefty fees to the Lawyers related to either of them ?

Saturday, May 3, 2008

US Election 2008

1. Why did Hillary Clinton forgave Bill Clinton for the Monica Lewensky affair ?

- Is she large-hearted ? Has she forgiven anyone else for any display "disloyality" in her personal or public life ?

- Is it very common to have such extra-martial affair and use of office-premises for enjoying some sort of sex very common in US ? Or

- Was it done merely because Ms Hillary Clinton had her political-plan in place and did not wish to antogonise her husband - her most important political asset?

2. Do Amecican Voters consider past personal responses to any public affair by any candidate when they vote ?